Hugo Schouw

Where were you born?
What kind of studies do you work on?
I mainly work on a study about the diagnostic accuracy of predicting postoperative parathyroid function based on fluorescence perfusion assessment during thyroid surgery. Furthermore, I work on different projects related to (fluorescent) tracers, therapy, and imaging in parathyroid disease.
Why do you want to do research in this field?
This field of research provides me with the possibility to integrate my interest in drug targeting, dynamics, and imaging, in the research that I work on. Furthermore, as an aspiring medical specialist, it is nice to possibly contribute to improved surgical outcomes in oncology patients.
What is your background?
I have a master’s degree in pharmacy and currently combine finishing my master’s in medicine with my PhD trajectory at the University of Groningen and UMCG.
What relevant experiences did you gain during your study?
Through studying pharmacy and medicine I gained both clinical and laboratory experience. Furthermore, I always enjoyed working as a teaching assistant in various pharmacy-related courses through which I improved my didactic skills.
What do you like to do when you are not working?
When I am not working, I like to play Football with a team of friends, participate in pub quizzes, play music, or go to concerts.