Rik de Jong

Where were you born?

Langweer is a small but nice village in Friesland.

What kind of studies do/will you work on?

During my PhD I will focus on multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT). With this non-invasive imaging technique, we are aiming to improve the detection and characterization of solid tumors to prevent overtreatment.

Why did you want to do research/work in this field?

I did many different research internships at several departments of the UMCG. Doing these internships helped me to become enthusiastic about medical research and I wanted to continue that by doing a PhD in this field. Doing research at the OMIG group seemed very fascinating to me, also because the studies can have a direct impact on patient care. I hope to give my contributions to the group and get more experience in clinical research.

What is your background/did you study?

Biomedical Engineering, University of Groningen

What relevant experiences did you gain during your study?

During my master’s degree in biomedical engineering, I gained various experiences within research. Lab experiences such as cell culture, cell staining, imaging, data analysis, and using research to optimize and further develop medical products. Furthermore, I gained experience in working with a multidisciplinary team.

What do you like to do when you are not working?

I like to watch and go to soccer games with friends. Also, I play soccer and go to the gym occasionally. If I have the time I like to travel, relax, and hang out with friends and family.
