Yester Janssen
Where were you born?
Zwolle, the Netherlands.
What kind of studies do you work on?
Studies that primarily focus on new imaging techniques and devices. My main research topic is optical molecular imaging, where we perform first in human studies/ phase 1 studies and phase 2 studies. I also conduct research on other topics in which imaging plays a pivotal role.
Why did you want to do research in this field?
The field of optical molecular imaging is very broad, covering many disciplines, which makes working in this field very diverse. It also offers me the opportunity to conduct innovative studies.
What did you study?
A masters degree in Medicine and Business Administration at the University of Groningen
What relevant experiences did you gain during your study?
Contract research is a key aspect of my PhD trajectory. The combination of my medicine and business background provides me with the right background to perform these studies.
What do you like to do when you are not working?
Performing sports like running, cycling, and sailing. I also like to play the piano and read.