2.4 million euros for research on fluorescence in head and neck cancer


Last week our group received a research grant from the US National Institute of Health (NIH) of 2.36 million euros. Floris Voskuil and Max Witjes received this for further research on fluorescence imaging in head and neck tumors. This will be done in collaboration with dr. Ken Tichauer and dr. Joran Brankov from the Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, US).

Over the last years, we have completed several clinical studies with fluorescence imaging in maxillofacial surgery. We found that the use of fluorescence imaging during surgical removal of tumors in this area is of great value for margin assessment.

This grant allows follow-up research. Together with the colleagues in Illinois, we will work on the development of a new fluorescence camera using dual aperture fluorescence ratio imaging. Using this technique will make fluorescence imaging even more precise. We hope to implement the technique in clinical trials in about a year. These clinical trials will take around five years.