Manon Buist-Homan

Portrait Manon Buist-Homan | OMIG

Where were you born?

Bedum, The Netherlands


What kind of studies do you work on?

At the moment I work on fluorescence studies in IBD  but also on liver fibrosis projects.


Why did you want to do research?

During my study I got to know both the diagnostic and research laboratories. I chose research because I love discovering new things.


What is your background?

I have a Bachelor of Science degree from Van Hall Larenstein Leeuwarden


What relevant experiences did you gain during your study?

During my study I’ve learned a lot of basic laboratory techniques. Now I can support different PhD students with their projects.


What do you like to do when you are not working?

When I am not working I like reading a book, play games and hang out with my family.